ROBUST Placebo Effect
Medicating depressed TBI-patients is both medically and morally negligent--commentary on a medical publication Well, we've all certainly...

Doctors Doo-Little
Healing and harming from the inside-out I'm currently reading J.G. Ballard's novel, published in 1973, Crash, a scathing and disturbing...

Solving for 'Why' and WTF
Psychotropic medications are still the first-line treatment for mental illnesses...WHY? Good question.

Panic Room
This is probably the most vulnerable, personal blog I’ve ever written but it needs to be written. So, here it is. We need to talk about...

Review of Dr. David Healy's "The Decapitation of Care"
If you lose your head, you lose your mind. Our healthcare system has lost its head, but also its heart, as seen in this excellent polemic...

Suicidality and the Overlooked "Why?" Missing Information and Misinformation
How we get caught in the belief structures that have allowed suicidality to be a permissible side-effect.